WASHINGTON -- Three days after suggesting on 60 Minutes that the FBI had singled him out as a scapegoat, nuclear scientist Dr. Wen Ho Lee further claimed that the FBI "keeps bugging me," and urged the agency to "quit it."
The comments came at an unusual joint press conference held by Dr. Lee and Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, who has led the drive to bring criminal charges against Lee. Richardson reiterated the claims he had made on Sunday's edition of 60 Minutes: namely, that Lee had "massively violated our security procedures" through his activities at Los Alamos. Lee vehemently denied the charges, shouting, "Did not, did not, did no-ot," in a noisy singsong.
Richardson insisted that Lee "did SO" massively violate "se-CUR-ity pro-CE-dures," adding, "Dummy."
Shortly after the heated exchange, a brief scuffle ensued when Lee appeared to step over the invisible line demarcating Richardson's side of the stage and proceeded to give Richardson an Indian rug burn. Order could not be restored until several minutes later, when President Clinton appeared and threatened to cut the press conference short with no refreshments for anybody.
In response to a reporter's question about his legal strategy, Lee said, "You can tell Mr. Stupid-Head Energy Secretary that he's gonna feel a major burn when my lawyers file a brief accusing him of libel and defamation of character."
"La la, la la, la la la," Richardson replied, to the tune of "Mary Had A Little Lamb." His hands remained pressed to his ears for the remainder of the question period.
Keith Sanders is an independent practitioner of experimental cognitive pharmacology, and a student of linguistics at UC Berkeley.