With less damage to your karma than an illicit affair and fewer side effects than day trading, calling in sick when you're not is one of the few innocent leisure activities left in this modern world. As you lounge about on your sun deck eating corn dogs, it likely doesn't occur to you that the guilty pleasure of a day off work could be the milk seed for the rapid, vicious growth of a destructive psychosis -- and could -even create the mind of a vicious homicidal maniac.
Yes, that's how it all starts: A spurious claim of vomiting can, unchecked, accelerate rapidly into a grotesque and pathetic disease that will culminate in secretly-filmed FBI video tapes of you injecting syringes full of fecal matter into your own backside. Not so relaxing now, is it? We've prepared a diagnostic test, at no cost to you, to help you discern how fast you're careening down that log ride of insanity. Have you got it? We hope not. But for the love of God, find out.
The ex-editor of On Our Backs magazine, Athena Douris loves horror flicks and always shows off her injuries to anyone willing to look. She recently had scalp surgery and slept on her face for two days.