Lift up all your things, my dear, and let me see if any marks of the former punishment remain."
Lizzie had a very prominent and very promising bottom. Miss Frankland felt it all over, and admired loudly its form and firmness, declaring it was quite beautiful to look at, and how womanly it was growing.
"Turn 'round, and let me see if you are as womanly in front. Upon my word, a well-formed mount with a charming mossy covering."
Her hand wandering over her form excited Lizzie, whose face flushed and eyes glistened with rising desires. Miss Frankland herself became moved, but proceeded at once to lay her across her lap, and began with gentle switches, just sufficiently sharp to attract the blood in that direction, which, of course, acted with double force on all the already excited erotic organs, and Lizzie began to wriggle her bum in all the lasciviousness of lust under the excited gaze of Miss Frankland, who, seeing how matters were going on in her favour, increased the force of her blows, but only sufficiently to still more lecherously excite her patient -- until, driven to an excess of lust, she cried out --
"Oh, my loved Miss Frankland, I am dying with pleasure, do embrace and caress me."
Miss Frankland lifted her up, and drew her to her bosom and lips, and, while sucking her tongue, slipped her hand down and found Lizzie's quim wet with her flowing spunk, and her little clitoris stiff with the erotic passion that was consuming her. She frigged her until she spent again, while their tongues were in each other's mouth. As Lizzie spent, Miss F. shoved a finger up her cunt, which, of course, met with no resistance, but as Lizzie possessed in perfection the art of nipping, she was sufficiently tight to leave a doubt of anything but finger fucking.
"Ah, you little puss, you have been playing with this before now, tell me the truth?"
"I will tell you everything if you will only play with me again. Ever since you flogged Mary and myself, we have both been so often burning down there, and have found out that feeling it, and pushing fingers in, was so nice, although at first we often hurt ourselves. But you do it so much better, Miss Frankland!"
"I shall do it much better, my darling, with what I have got down there -- look here!"
And lifting up her petticoat and chemise, she exposed, to the absolute astonishment of Lizzie, her extraordinary mass of hair, and her fiery red clitoris glowing and sticking out of its black mass of curls.
"How beautiful!" cried Lizzie. "I declare, you have got a doodle, for which I have been so longing; I must kiss it."
Stooping down, she took it in her mouth, and sucked it.
"Stop, dear Lizzie, we shall both enjoy it."
Taking the cushion from the chair, she lay down on her back on the floor, telling Lizzie to turn her face the other way, to kneel down across her body, so that both their mouths could adapt themselves to each other's quim.
Lizzie told me afterwards that she took care to show no previous knowledge, but to let Miss Frankland apparently initiate her into all the ceremonies of gamahuching.
The Romance of Lust is reprinted with permission from Masquerade Books.