Mommy dearest. Detroit rapper Eminem is being sued by his mother. Infobeat reports Debbie Mathers-Briggs is seeking $10 million in damages for slander. She accuses her son of telling the media that she's an "unstable, lawsuit-happy drug user." Mom says the allegations are false: She has never taken drugs.
Cutting edge. Johnny Depp suffered more growing pains than most kids. In the October issue of Talk magazine, the actor reveals he was a very self-destructive teenager. Depp says the scars he bears on his arms were made to mark various rites of passage. Actress Winona Ryder says Depp's statements are untrue: She claims most of his scars came from running with scissorhands.
Billionaire's baby. The London Telegraph reports Donald and Ivana Trump's daughter Ivanka says that since her parents divorced, she has to hold down a job in order to pay her bills. The 17-year-old model says her mother is very strict and makes her "…pay for everything apart from my school fees." Poor thing, the therapy bills alone must be outrageous!
Reincarnation revelation. Howard Stern was a lesbian in a former life. Westwood One Entertainment reports the shock jock was a little shocked himself when a recent guest claimed he was once "a lesbian madam for a pharaoh's harem" in ancient Egypt. Dr. Bruce Goldberg, who has written 10 books on past lives, said Stern's fascination with lesbians can be attributed to his former profession; unlike the rest of the male population, whose fascination with lesbians can be attributed to the increased breast count in lesbian sex.
All in the family. TV Guide reports casting directors had no problem filling the role of Jennifer Grey's father on the sitcom It's Like, You Know… Jennifer's real-life dad, actor Joel Grey, was hired for the part. Joel made his debut on the sitcom's season premiere Tuesday night. There's an amazing resemblance between father and daughter -- they must have the same plastic surgeon.
A bit too touchy-feely. Diana Ross was released from police custody at London's Heathrow Airport, after being held for allegedly assaulting an airport security officer. Yahoo! News reports the incident occurred when the female guard touched the singer's breast during a search. In related news, as Hillary Clinton contemplates a career in the senate, Bill Clinton is contemplating a new career in airport security.
Melissa is a disc jockey at WBCN-FM and a music news reporter for Rage TV, both in Boston. She hopes someday to be a celebrity in her own right, and promises BizBuzz an exclusive.