And the guests ran away with the spoon. "If we can't take pictures, we're taking silver" seemed to be the sentiment of guests at the recent wedding of Posh Spice and David Beckham. According to the London tabloid The Mirror, at least 75 guests pocketed antique silver goblets from the ceremony. Posh is now making a public appeal that the silver be returned, because it was rented. Looks like the guests knew something Posh has yet to realize -- the marriage is bound to tarnish before the goblets do.
Cough it up, Coleman. Former Diff'rent Strokes star Gary Coleman settled accounts this week. The pint-sized actor pleaded no contest several months ago to charges stemming from his assault on a female fan who'd asked for an autograph. Coleman appeared in court Monday to pay the $400 fine. He paid in small bills.
Now that's scary. Summer isn't even half over, but rocker Rob Zombie is already making plans for the fall. Rolling Stone reports Rob bought himself a haunted house in Universal City, California. The thrill ride is scheduled to open about a week before Halloween and will feature scary attractions including a haunted maze, ghosts and goblins, and a special appearance by Tori Spelling.
Breast watch. Loni Anderson has been cast as Pamela Anderson Lee's mother in Pam's show V.I.P. The elder Anderson is reportedly thrilled about the gig. No surprise. The two can share bras, peroxide, and stories about abusive husbands.
Trash talk. In light of the recent court ruling against The Jenny Jones Show, TV execs seem to be losing interest in talk shows. Variety reports that USA Networks is looking to sell The Jerry Springer Show. The unofficial asking price is "all that, and a bag of chips."
Cover your ass. K-Mart is once again trying to play god with the record industry, by deciding which new releases live, and which die on its shelves. The chain refuses to sell the latest Ministry album because it thinks the cover, which shows an obese woman's ass, is offensive. In related news, K-Mart customers will no longer be allowed to use the stores' fitting rooms.
Like, mellow out. Teen queen Britney Spears tells syndicated radio network Westwood One that she reads to escape the tensions and anxiety of her daily life. Apparently Jackie Collins books help reduce her stress. And just what does the diva-in-training worry about? New business deals, the future of her career, and silicon leaks.
Tighty whities or briefs? Just when you thought Latin pop coverboy Ricky Martin couldn't get more exposure... CBS has slated a one-hour special starring the ex-Menudo member for November and Star magazine reports Calvin Klein has offered Ricky $2 million to pose in briefs for an ad campaign pushing its underwear. Finally, we'll be able to see if Ricky's head is really as swollen as it seems.
Melissa is a disc jockey at WBCN-FM and a music news reporter for Rage TV, both in Boston. She hopes someday to be a celebrity in her own right, and promises BizBuzz an exclusive.